by Mary E. Ulrich | Aug 6, 2024
Why do we go to school? Is it to go to magical places? Is it to make friends? Is it to keep kids off the streets? Is it to give Mom and Dad a rest? Or someplace for the kids to go while she/he works? Is it only to learn to read and write? When our country was founded,...
by Mary E. Ulrich | Aug 5, 2024
Is summer different for kids with and without disabilities? As parents of children with disabilities, it is difficult to know “What is realistic?” “What goals do I want?”. I have always found it helpful to measure “normalization” by...
by Mary E. Ulrich | Aug 4, 2024
Olympics, Disabilities and Inclusion There are many legends around the origins of the Olympics. But the main idea was countries and individuals would meet every 4 years and set aside conflicts–and this shared experience would lead toward greater understanding...
by Mary E. Ulrich | Aug 1, 2024
Aimee Mullins at the TED conference Is that a WOW or What? TED is for the “thought leaders” of our generation. I’m so glad Aimee Mullins stood up in front of the world and talked about the words we use, the way we tell stories, our prejudices...
by Mary E. Ulrich | Aug 1, 2024
Many people have a hard time understanding the concepts of independence vs. interdependence, inclusion, multiple intelligences and cooperative learning. I thought a revision of The Animal School by George Reavis might explain it all.* THE ANIMAL SCHOOL Once...