by Mary E. Ulrich | Jan 11, 2011
photo credit: easystand Supported Living, Assisted Living, Independent Living, Residential Services: The key to quality care is good caregivers. Dear Caregivers, It takes a special person to work with my son, Aaron, and other people with severe disabilities. Even...
by Mary E. Ulrich | Oct 28, 2010–-2210-2010 Until Eternity When I go to a funeral for a person with a severe disability, there is always someone who thinks they are helping by saying: “She is no longer suffering–even if the person wasn’t...
by Mary E. Ulrich | Oct 20, 2010
21st Century Communication and Video Accessibility Act No one in my family is Deaf or Blind. So, why should I care that President Obama just signed new legislation forcing media and technology companies to make their products accessible? Isn’t this just another...
by Mary E. Ulrich | Oct 4, 2010
When President Obama signs Rosa’s Law, it is going to change some of the language and cultural issues about using the words, “retarded” and “mental retardation.” In the previous post we talked about the Google keywords that pop up with...
by Mary E. Ulrich | Oct 4, 2010
“Retarded” Keywords Google Keywords show us what people are searching for. Not some academic research, just the terms real people actually type into the search box to find what they are looking for. I wish I knew how to make screen shots. The visual...
by Mary E. Ulrich | Sep 23, 2010
Day 3 of the 30-Day-Every-Day Blogging Challenge Tom and I have sold three of our previous homes ourselves. But with the economy, the time of year, the fact our condo is in a private community… we decided to turn it over to the professionals. Don’t know...