Better than Church

Playing for Change “Lean on Me” from Playing for Change. What I love about this video is musicians from all over the world are playing the same song. Giving the same message. Gritty to sophisticated, washboards to violins–it’s the same song and...

When Schools Say “NO” to Inclusion

When Schools say “NO” to Inclusion The Inclusive Class Podcast presented a panel with Tom Mihail, Paula Kluth, Torrie Dunlap, Lisa Jo Rudy, Frances Stetson, Kathleen McClaskey and myself. The Title was: “When Schools say ‘NO’ to Inclusion”...

“There is no spoon?” Disability style

Day 6 of our Chris Brogan Every-Day-for-30-Days Blogging Challenge Follow us on Twitter #CB30BC “Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead… only try to realize the truth. Neo: What truth? Spoon boy: There is no spoon. Neo:...

Sandwich generation? It’s a pickle.

photo credit: williamhartz People who have to take care of their elderly parents and their children are sometimes called the “Sandwich Generation.” My experiences the last couple days, reminds me not only of a sandwich, but an old baseball game called...