ADA and Advocacy| one step at a time

How about you? Is ADA a Part of your Life? My parents, teachers and culture taught me to blend in, not cause trouble and certainly never ever draw attention to myself. That all changed when my son Aaron was born with autism and developmental disabilities. Aaron...

Supported Employment| What is a Mobile Crew or Enclave?

In the last post, Memorial Day Parades and Attitudes toward People with Disabilities I talked about how Aaron, my son who has autism, worked at a cemetery after he graduated from high school. To the best of my recollection, this is how it worked: The Landscaping...

“Telling Your Story”| Free App for Advocates

The Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (MN DD Council) does remarkable work. On this blog, I often reference the Parallels in Time (history of people with disabilities) and their Partners in Policymaking Program. This week MNDDC announced a new...

The Case of the Bleeding Pork Chop

The Case of the Bleeding Pork Chop This week I received an “incident report” from my son’s adult day program–they are the ones who take care of Aaron from 9-4 each day. The residential staff, who prepared Aaron’s lunch, were written up for: “safety...