Olympics and Disabilities| Lessons in Inclusion

Olympics, Disabilities and Inclusion There are many legends around the origins of the Olympics. But the main idea was countries and individuals would meet every 4 years and set aside conflicts–and this shared experience would lead toward greater understanding...

The Animal School| Inclusion and Universal Design

  Many people have a hard time understanding the concepts of independence vs. interdependence, inclusion, multiple intelligences and cooperative learning. I thought a revision of The Animal School by George Reavis might explain it all.* THE ANIMAL SCHOOL Once...

The Power of our Words| We,They–Us, Them

The Power of our Words This is part 3 of a series on classic concepts to understand Normalization and Inclusion. The first was Norm Kunc| A Credo of Support The second was about The difference between the words “Disability” and “Handicapped.” Mayer Shevin wrote this...

What is Charity and Love?

photo credit: djwhelan Every day we read about good people planning charity events for people with disabilities. I’m not sure how I feel about this. Wait! Are you wondering how I can be an advocate for people with disabilities and not just jump up and down when...