Olympics and Disabilities| Lessons in Inclusion

Olympics, Disabilities and Inclusion There are many legends around the origins of the Olympics. But the main idea was countries and individuals would meet every 4 years and set aside conflicts–and this shared experience would lead toward greater understanding...

The Animal School| Inclusion and Universal Design

  Many people have a hard time understanding the concepts of independence vs. interdependence, inclusion, multiple intelligences and cooperative learning. I thought a revision of The Animal School by George Reavis might explain it all.* THE ANIMAL SCHOOL Once...

The Power of our Words| We,They–Us, Them

The Power of our Words This is part 3 of a series on classic concepts to understand Normalization and Inclusion. The first was Norm Kunc| A Credo of Support The second was about The difference between the words “Disability” and “Handicapped.” Mayer Shevin wrote this...

What is Charity and Love?

photo credit: djwhelan Every day we read about good people planning charity events for people with disabilities. I’m not sure how I feel about this. Wait! Are you wondering how I can be an advocate for people with disabilities and not just jump up and down when...

Aaron’s a Dude: Dignity of Risk

Aaron’s a Dude: The Dignity of Risk For several years Aaron spent 3 days on a Dude Ranch in Michigan. Before the Dude Ranch closes for the winter, buses of adults with all kinds of disability labels arrive and sleep in bunk houses, eat in mess halls, go boating,...