What would you do?|Case of Shoes on the Wrong Feet

In the last post, What would you do? | In The Case of the Lourdes holy water, I asked for your advice. Here are my next questions: photo credit: dcosand What do you do when you go to pick up your child from their home with residencial services and find problems with...

Functional Curriculum: use it or lose it

To celebrate the new school year here are some of my favorite posts: Article 1: Why Do We Go to School? Article 2: Back to School| A New Year of Learning Article 3: Back to School| What is Inclusion? Functional Curriculum When my son Aaron was in school, shopping was...

Teachers| Segregation or Inclusion?

photo credit: HA! Designs – Artbyheather How do you measure what is important? Hain Ginott, the famous child psychologist and author of classic books like “Between Parents and Child” and “Between Teachers and Child” taught about the power...

Aaron’s Olympic Moment

Is summer different for kids with and without disabilities? As parents of children with disabilities, it is difficult to know “What is realistic?” “What goals do I want?”. I have always found it helpful to measure “normalization” by...

Olympics and Disabilities| Lessons in Inclusion

Olympics, Disabilities and Inclusion There are many legends around the origins of the Olympics. But the main idea was countries and individuals would meet every 4 years and set aside conflicts–and this shared experience would lead toward greater understanding...

The Animal School| Inclusion and Universal Design

  Many people have a hard time understanding the concepts of independence vs. interdependence, inclusion, multiple intelligences and cooperative learning. I thought a revision of The Animal School by George Reavis might explain it all.* THE ANIMAL SCHOOL Once...