Bob Perske| The Song of Joe Arridy

I’m Memory of Bob Perske, a real hero to families and people with disabilities. Bob Perske is a pioneer, a storyteller and a “Group Man.” In his book, Circle of Friends, he tells the story of vulnerable people building circles of support. Bob wrote the following...

Supportive Living: What an inclusive day looks like.

A Good Day! As the number of adults with autism and developmental disabilities rise, many professionals and parents ask me what I am looking for? Will I ever be satisfied? Is it just a pipedream or can we really build an inclusive community around a person with severe...

Going to Family Reunions? Shave your armpits

Going to the family reunion, or not? part 3. Absolutely gorgeous day for a family reunion at the swim club, the mid-80s, no clouds, not even any bugs to speak of. This is my third post about Going to the family reunion, or not? In post one (click here) I talked about...

It’s a Jungle out there| Inclusion in the Grocery Store

photo credit: Swamibu 2006 Aaron, my son with the labels of autism and developmental disabilities, had a doctor’s appointment so I brought him late to his adult day program. A Visit to the Jungle—Jungle Jim’s that is. Thanks to cell phones, I connected with his group...

Systems Theory| Family Reunions part 2

This is Part 2 of a 3 part series: Going to the family reunion, or not? Part 2: The Circles of Life See Part 1: Going to the family reunion, or not? See Part 3: Going to the family reunion? Shave your armpits. The Circles of Life We’ve all heard the quote about...

A Mother’s Hopes for her Sons

Summer Activities| A Mother’s Hope for Her Sons with and without Disabilities NOTE: This is when Tommy was 13 and Aaron 14 years old. Is summer different for kids with and without disabilities? This summer Tommy, my 13 year old son, … • Went to 2 weeks of Boy Scout...