Hand Therapy| Homework with a Bang

Hand Therapy| Homework with a Bang Life Long Learning| like it or not. Six weeks ago I fell and broke my wrist. Bad news is that it hurt like #$@! The good news is it’s healing well and gave me the opportunity to learn more about therapy. Hey, I’m a...

What if???| Bob Williams

BOB WILLIAMS Bob Williams is currently the Special Assistant to the Director of the D.C. Department on Disability Services. Bob served in the Clinton Administration as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Disability, Aging and Longterm Policy at the U.S. Dept of Health and...

Special Needs Talk Radio Interview| Successful Inclusion

Today I will be interviewed on The Inclusive Class on Special Needs Talk Radio on the topic: Successful Inclusion. Listen to internet radio with SpecialNeedsTalkRadio on Blog Talk Radio This is the third interview in their series on Inclusion. The interview is about...

A Parent’s Life|Thinking, Worrying + Actions

photo credit: Elliotphotos This morning I saw an egret in our garden. It stood majestically with its head tilted upward and its slender white body contrasting with the green of the newly planted tomato plants. The bird looked around for a long minute, and then flew...

Government| Capital Insider for 3-14-11

photo credit: Leonard Chien WE THE PEOPLE…. Each week the Arc (formerly, the Association for Retarded Citizens) reports on what is happening in Washington, DC. The Arc monitors the public policy and legistlative process so that it may advocate for people with...