Remarkable Parents and Advocates who Never Give Up

Parents and advocates of people with disabilities have a love-hate relationship with professionals because they don’t give up. photo credit: freeparking photo credit: Powerhouse Museum Collection I’m Thankful for Parents and Advocates You know the ones....

Going to Family Reunions? Shave your armpits

Going to the family reunion, or not? part 3. Absolutely gorgeous day for a family reunion at the swim club, the mid-80s, no clouds, not even any bugs to speak of. This is my third post about Going to the family reunion, or not? In post one (click here) I talked about...

Communication: “A lottery winner in life”

Do you start out the day asking, “What is my purpose?” Sometimes that question will motivate me. Sometimes it is whispered in anger or despair; sometimes as a prayer for direction. But I wonder how I would ask about my purpose in life– if I could not...