Dream Plan for Aaron: 1998 (Part 3)

In Part 1 (1981) Aaron was 6 years old and we outlined a vision of what a happy, successful quality of life would look like for Aaron as an adult. (click here). In Part 2, Aaron was 14 years old and we were moving forward with the plan(click here) In Part 3, Aaron is...

Our House of Cards| Disability Style (Part 1)

Living in a House of Cards| Non-Profits, HUD, Medicaid Waivers (Part 1) My friend Debbie Wetzel always said the human service system was a house of cards. As parents of people with severe disabilities, we need many agencies, many people working together to get basic...

Supported Employment| What is a Mobile Crew or Enclave?

In the last post, Memorial Day Parades and Attitudes toward People with Disabilities I talked about how Aaron, my son who has autism, worked at a cemetery after he graduated from high school. To the best of my recollection, this is how it worked: The Landscaping...

Funny Ads| What do you think?

The Norwegian Association of the Blind made these commercials. What do you think? Comments: All right, there is no excuse for not having a comment on these videos. After you laugh, think a couple minutes and then share your thoughts. Are they Funny? Creative? Good...