Supportive Living: What an inclusive day looks like.

A Good Day! As the number of adults with autism and developmental disabilities rise, many professionals and parents ask me what I am looking for? Will I ever be satisfied? Is it just a pipedream or can we really build an inclusive community around a person with severe...

Systems Theory| Family Reunions part 2

This is Part 2 of a 3 part series: Going to the family reunion, or not? Part 2: The Circles of Life See Part 1: Going to the family reunion, or not? See Part 3: Going to the family reunion? Shave your armpits. The Circles of Life We’ve all heard the quote about...

Going to the family reunion, or not?

Part 1 Going to the family reunion, or not? My cousin rented her local swim club and invited all 26 cousins and their families for our annual family reunion. She scheduled it on a Saturday when many of my cousins would be in town. She is working hard to keep our large...

Dream Plan for Aaron: 2016 (Part 4)

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” – Jim Rohn I will soon be celebrating my 66th Birthday. I used to think 66 was old. Now I just think 66 is experienced with...

ADA and Advocacy| one step at a time

How about you? Is ADA a Part of your Life? My parents, teachers and culture taught me to blend in, not cause trouble and certainly never ever draw attention to myself. That all changed when my son Aaron was born with autism and developmental disabilities. Aaron...