“Retarded” keywords

“Retarded” Keywords Google Keywords show us what people are searching for. Not some academic research, just the terms real people actually type into the search box to find what they are looking for. I wish I knew how to make screen shots. The visual...

“The Host” vs Home Stagers vs Aaron

photo credit: KlemenRobnik As promised in Day 3 of the blogging challenge: “Turning it over to the professionals”– here is the slimy squiggly creature that crawls up necks.) The Host Like most people, I read The Host because it was written by...

An Avalanche and an Aaron Story

Day 4 of the 30-Day-Every-Day Blogging Challenge has been a challenge indeed. Sorry to everyone who got bombarded by 17 posts about “Memory Rocks”. I wasn’t really throwing rocks and boulders at you:) Becke wondered if there was an avalanche; Ana...

Turning it over to the Professionals

Day 3 of the 30-Day-Every-Day Blogging Challenge Tom and I have sold three of our previous homes ourselves. But with the economy, the time of year, the fact our condo is in a private community… we decided to turn it over to the professionals. Don’t know...

“Every Day for 30 Days” Blogging Challenge or IBP

…my 30 Day IBP (Individual Blogging Plan) Meet Alison Golden, my challenge buddy The internet drives my husband Tom crazy. I’ll be talking about Alison Golden and he will say, “Who? How do you know her?” I will patiently answer Alison is a...