“Forgetting Spells” Inclusion and Happy Endings

“Forgetting Spells” Inclusion and Happy Endings Looking for the Village WiseWoman When I get depressed, I like to pull out a Nora Robert’s book. Don’t laugh:) For a couple hours, I let the queen of romance weave a tale about another world...

“Representative Payee”| SSI, SSDI

“Representative Payee”| SSI, SSDI When Aaron, our son with autism and a developmental disability, moved into a house with another man, we became his legal guardian. It was the only way to protect Aaron legally. It was the right thing to do. One of the...

“Retarded”: no more.

Retarded–no more. Sept. 22, 2010 The US House of Representatives has unanimously approved a bill to replace the term “mental retardation” and “mentally retarded” with “intellectual disability” and “individual with an...

Happy Birthday ADA| 22 Years of Progress

< Happy Birthday ADA Representative Tony Coelho shares the reasons he introduced The Americans With Disabilities Act in Congress in the late 80s. Tony Coelho also is a strong supporter of Partners in Policymaking. Tony Coelho had epilepsy and used his life...

“Telling Your Story”| Free App for Advocates

The Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (MN DD Council) does remarkable work. On this blog, I often reference the Parallels in Time (history of people with disabilities) and their Partners in Policymaking Program. This week MNDDC announced a new...

The Case of the Bleeding Pork Chop

The Case of the Bleeding Pork Chop This week I received an “incident report” from my son’s adult day program–they are the ones who take care of Aaron from 9-4 each day. The residential staff, who prepared Aaron’s lunch, were written up for: “safety...