“Every Day for 30 Days” Blogging Challenge or IBP

…my 30 Day IBP (Individual Blogging Plan) Meet Alison Golden, my challenge buddy The internet drives my husband Tom crazy. I’ll be talking about Alison Golden and he will say, “Who? How do you know her?” I will patiently answer Alison is a...

Should I listen to Chris Brogan?

photo credit: Adam Weiss Chris Brogan is one of my social media heroes. He says you should blog everyday. (click here) I’m new to blogging. He’s a social media guru. So, there should be no question but to do what Chris says. Right? I certainly have enough...

Happy Birthday: Welcoming Another Year of Change

Happy Birthday–Welcoming Another Year of Change. Thanks for all the birthday wishes yesterday. I was going to say, “another year on the down-slope of the mountain” but though it’s a reality check to make this year count–it sounds so...

Month One Stats at Climbing Every Mountain

Hi Everyone, ClimbingEveryMountain.com is celebrating its first month. Thank you for being a part of our growth. Our Basecamp is developing and some great people are starting to gather for our climb. So, it has been a great start. There is a lot to learn, and our site...

Shouting my COMMITMENT!

photo credit: wallyg Is Anybody There? Does Anybody Care? Each of us has transformational moments in our lives. One of mine was watching the musical 1776. In one scene the night before the vote on independency, John Adams reads a letter from George Washington and...

Parents + Caregivers| Climbing Mountains

photo credit: bjarnit Climbing Every Mountain: More than a Song My life journey has been to try and create an inclusive world where everyone belongs, a decent quality of life for my family, and particularly my son Aaron who has the label of autism. “Aaron”...