by Mary E. Ulrich | Jan 15, 2011
photo credit: stvcr In “Dear Caregivers” Part 1, I talked about the critical role and some of the issues of the caregiver or direct care staff. Today in Part 2, I’d like to share a story of what happened last Thanksgiving weekend. Holidays stress...
by Mary E. Ulrich | Jan 11, 2011
photo credit: easystand Supported Living, Assisted Living, Independent Living, Residential Services: The key to quality care is good caregivers. Dear Caregivers, It takes a special person to work with my son, Aaron, and other people with severe disabilities. Even...
by Mary E. Ulrich | Nov 9, 2010
When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. R. Schuller Dream Plan for Aaron: 1981 (Part 1) (click here) talked about Aaron when he was age 6 and Tommy age 4. In Part 2 I will talk about when Aaron was in Junior High. In 1989 Aaron was 14 and Tommy 13. In a later post, I...
by Mary E. Ulrich | Oct 28, 2010–-2210-2010 Until Eternity When I go to a funeral for a person with a severe disability, there is always someone who thinks they are helping by saying: “She is no longer suffering–even if the person wasn’t...
by Mary E. Ulrich | Oct 20, 2010
21st Century Communication and Video Accessibility Act No one in my family is Deaf or Blind. So, why should I care that President Obama just signed new legislation forcing media and technology companies to make their products accessible? Isn’t this just another...
by Mary E. Ulrich | Oct 15, 2010
Drinking Beer and the Dignity of Risk Above is a picture of Aaron drinking a “cold one.” He’s 35 years old–so he’s well past the drinking age. But is this right? Beer and Spaghetti The only time my husband drinks beer is when we have...