Caregivers |Blame it on the Hose

photo credit: stvcr In “Dear Caregivers” Part 1, I talked about the critical role and some of the issues of the caregiver or direct care staff. Today in Part 2, I’d like to share a story of what happened last Thanksgiving weekend. Holidays stress...

Dear Caregivers|Part 1

photo credit: easystand Supported Living, Assisted Living, Independent Living, Residential Services: The key to quality care is good caregivers. Dear Caregivers, It takes a special person to work with my son, Aaron, and other people with severe disabilities. Even...

Dream Plan for Aaron: 1989 (Part 2)

When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. R. Schuller Dream Plan for Aaron: 1981 (Part 1) (click here) talked about Aaron when he was age 6 and Tommy age 4. In Part 2 I will talk about when Aaron was in Junior High. In 1989 Aaron was 14 and Tommy 13. In a later post, I...

Until Eternity: Anne McDonald–-2210-2010 Until Eternity When I go to a funeral for a person with a severe disability, there is always someone who thinks they are helping by saying: “She is no longer suffering–even if the person wasn’t...

Technology Act: Just for the Deaf and Blind?

21st Century Communication and Video Accessibility Act No one in my family is Deaf or Blind. So, why should I care that President Obama just signed new legislation forcing media and technology companies to make their products accessible? Isn’t this just another...

Drinking Beer and the Dignity of Risk

Drinking Beer and the Dignity of Risk Above is a picture of Aaron drinking a “cold one.” He’s 35 years old–so he’s well past the drinking age. But is this right? Beer and Spaghetti The only time my husband drinks beer is when we have...