“There is no spoon?” Disability style

Day 6 of our Chris Brogan Every-Day-for-30-Days Blogging Challenge Follow us on Twitter #CB30BC “Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead… only try to realize the truth. Neo: What truth? Spoon boy: There is no spoon. Neo:...

Sandwich generation? It’s a pickle.

photo credit: williamhartz People who have to take care of their elderly parents and their children are sometimes called the “Sandwich Generation.” My experiences the last couple days, reminds me not only of a sandwich, but an old baseball game called...

The “R” Word: A Challenge to Bloggers.

The “R” Word: A Challenge to Bloggers. Stop the “R” Word March 2018 is designated “Stop the ‘R’ Word day. If you go to their website they have many ideas for activities and actions. If we each do one thing, we can make a...

Building Community | People First Language

People First Controversy Background: There is controversy in the disability community about the use of People First or Person First language. I’ve written several posts about People First language: *Rosa’s Law, *Stigma and segregation caused by labels like...

Do You Hear What I Hear?|Music and Visual Art

Do You Hear What I Hear? Do You See What I See? In 1962, the song Do You Hear What I Hear? became an instant success when its lyrics asked us to hear, see, listen and “Pray for Peace, People Everywhere.” 1962 was a time of fear and uncertainty–much...