Aaron’s Olympic Moment

Is summer different for kids with and without disabilities? As parents of children with disabilities, it is difficult to know “What is realistic?” “What goals do I want?”. I have always found it helpful to measure “normalization” by...

The “yet-to-be-disabled”

Crossing the “yet” Ed Roberts was an amazing guy. We were both on the TASH board and I got to spend some time with he and his son (pictured). Click on his name and see his incredible accomplishments. Ed was into action, not words. He was asked to be one of...

Supportive Living: What an inclusive day looks like.

A Good Day! As the number of adults with autism and developmental disabilities rise, many professionals and parents ask me what I am looking for? Will I ever be satisfied? Is it just a pipedream or can we really build an inclusive community around a person with severe...

It’s a Jungle out there| Inclusion in the Grocery Store

photo credit: Swamibu 2006 Aaron, my son with the labels of autism and developmental disabilities, had a doctor’s appointment so I brought him late to his adult day program. A Visit to the Jungle—Jungle Jim’s that is. Thanks to cell phones, I connected with his group...

Systems Theory| Family Reunions part 2

This is Part 2 of a 3 part series: Going to the family reunion, or not? Part 2: The Circles of Life See Part 1: Going to the family reunion, or not? See Part 3: Going to the family reunion? Shave your armpits. The Circles of Life We’ve all heard the quote about...