Bob Perske| The Song of Joe Arridy

I’m Memory of Bob Perske, a real hero to families and people with disabilities. Bob Perske is a pioneer, a storyteller and a “Group Man.” In his book, Circle of Friends, he tells the story of vulnerable people building circles of support. Bob wrote the following...

Dream Plan for Aaron: 1998 (Part 3)

In Part 1 (1981) Aaron was 6 years old and we outlined a vision of what a happy, successful quality of life would look like for Aaron as an adult. (click here). In Part 2, Aaron was 14 years old and we were moving forward with the plan(click here) In Part 3, Aaron is...

The “R” Word: A Challenge to Bloggers.

The “R” Word: A Challenge to Bloggers. Stop the “R” Word March 2018 is designated “Stop the ‘R’ Word day. If you go to their website they have many ideas for activities and actions. If we each do one thing, we can make a...

Building Community | People First Language

People First Controversy Background: There is controversy in the disability community about the use of People First or Person First language. I’ve written several posts about People First language: *Rosa’s Law, *Stigma and segregation caused by labels like...

Love–NOT Labels: Rosa’s Law

Love–NOT Labels With families, “Love” is all that matters–no matter what, unconditionally. The love we feel for our child, our baby, our sister, brother, son, daughter can never be replaced by a medical or psychological term some professional...