The “R” Word: A Challenge to Bloggers.

The “R” Word: A Challenge to Bloggers. Stop the “R” Word March 2018 is designated “Stop the ‘R’ Word day. If you go to their website they have many ideas for activities and actions. If we each do one thing, we can make a...

Love–NOT Labels: Rosa’s Law

Love–NOT Labels With families, “Love” is all that matters–no matter what, unconditionally. The love we feel for our child, our baby, our sister, brother, son, daughter can never be replaced by a medical or psychological term some professional...

The Power of ONE

photo credit: horizontal.integration Today is Jan. 1 Could this be the year of the Power of One? We can celebrate with fireworks, silly hats, black-eyed peas and sauerkraut. We can dress in yellow (for prosperity) or white (for peace) while throwing pomegranate seeds...

“Retarded”: no more.

Retarded–no more. Sept. 22, 2010 The US House of Representatives has unanimously approved a bill to replace the term “mental retardation” and “mentally retarded” with “intellectual disability” and “individual with an...

What do you do?|The Case of the Lourdes Water

photo credit: Lawrence OP What do you do when someone wants to cure your child with Lourdes Water or the “laying on of the hands”? True Story “Where’s Aaron?” my mother asked while I was still putting the phone to my ear. I explained Aaron was at his house and we...