Government| Capital Insider for 3-14-11

photo credit: Leonard Chien WE THE PEOPLE…. Each week the Arc (formerly, the Association for Retarded Citizens) reports on what is happening in Washington, DC. The Arc monitors the public policy and legistlative process so that it may advocate for people with...

Bulletin Board|The Climb and Wrightslaw

photo credit: Okinawa Soba BULLETIN BOARD  The Climb: New Theme Song for our blog Attention all music lovers:  Pastor Snoopi Botten and Blake Roberts have added their magic digitalized effects to The Climb, (click on link). Blake suggested this song become the Theme...

Definitions of “Retarded”

When President Obama signs Rosa’s Law, it is going to change some of the language and cultural issues about using the words, “retarded” and “mental retardation.” In the previous post we talked about the Google keywords that pop up with...

Turning it over to the Professionals

Day 3 of the 30-Day-Every-Day Blogging Challenge Tom and I have sold three of our previous homes ourselves. But with the economy, the time of year, the fact our condo is in a private community… we decided to turn it over to the professionals. Don’t know...

Should I listen to Chris Brogan?

photo credit: Adam Weiss Chris Brogan is one of my social media heroes. He says you should blog everyday. (click here) I’m new to blogging. He’s a social media guru. So, there should be no question but to do what Chris says. Right? I certainly have enough...