Going to Family Reunions? Shave your armpits

Going to the family reunion, or not? part 3. Absolutely gorgeous day for a family reunion at the swim club, the mid-80s, no clouds, not even any bugs to speak of. This is my third post about Going to the family reunion, or not? In post one (click here) I talked about...

Going to the family reunion, or not?

Part 1 Going to the family reunion, or not? My cousin rented her local swim club and invited all 26 cousins and their families for our annual family reunion. She scheduled it on a Saturday when many of my cousins would be in town. She is working hard to keep our large...

Hope for Families of People with Disabilities|Bob Perske

Robert and Martha Perske Today I was thinking of Martha and Bob Perske. Martha’s beautiful sketches of children with disabilities are in frames over my desk and in buildings all over this country. Bob is now gone, but as we each get older and wonder if our lives...

Better than Church

Playing for Change “Lean on Me” from Playing for Change. What I love about this video is musicians from all over the world are playing the same song. Giving the same message. Gritty to sophisticated, washboards to violins–it’s the same song and...