by Mary E. Ulrich | Jul 8, 2011

photo credit: John-Morgan
HUD Tips for Parents and Guardians of People with Disabilities| Part 2
Disclaimer: I am NOT an expert on HUD. I am sharing my personal experience to the best of my ability. Please check with your local office.
Parents and Guardians of People with Autism and other Developmental Disabilities often feel helpless, surrounded in myths.
We are told we have no choice in our lives: we should just “live with” our conditions; and even worse, we should be thankful for the services we have—no matter how awful.
HUD Myth #1: HUD rent vouchers CAN be transferred to another county.
For many years I was told we would not be able to transfer the HUD voucher for Aaron, our son with the label of autism.
Now, maybe some regulation just changed, or maybe the truth was buried in the millions of words on the most complicated website I know ( but until recently this was the common myth everyone used. NOT TRUE.
Aaron is the “head of household” and his “housing choice voucher” (HCV) is “portable.” This means Aaron could move to another county– and even another state if they have a HUD program. The giving and receiving counties have to agree on some things, but it can work.
This is amazing news for us:
1. It means Aaron will be able to live close to his family.
2. And after his parents die, Aaron will be able to live close to his brother Tommy, who will become his guardian. Tommy is a radio frequency engineer and gets transferred around the country.
3. It means Aaron can move to a place which offers him better program options.
This week I met with a HUD counselor and had the best experience. She was knowledgeable, friendly and cared. She took a personal interest in helping us. I can’t say enough good things about her. She is our blessing of the week.
The request for a transfer is quite simple. I sent this email and then met with the counselor to sign the official forms the following day.
Request to PORT
June 30, 2011
I , (name) at (address) am giving my 30 day notice to move my HUD voucher to (name) County.
Thank you,
Additional Information:
• As I understand it, the deadline to file for the transfer is the first of each month. This was a little tricky because I learned of this at 4:55 pm on June 30th. So, I had to make a decision in the 5 minutes before the office closed for the month. If I would have filed on July 3rd, the 30 days would have started on July 31. So we would have lost a month.
• If you are the guardian, you will need to provide proof with your official guardianship paperwork.
• The next working day (after the holiday) I met with the counselor from the “sending” county to sign the official paperwork.
• The counselor then faxed the paperwork to the new “receiving” county and gave notice to the owner of Aaron’s house. This was a shock to the residential company and the owner contacted me before I could even catch my breath. Which was an unpleasant experience I knew would come eventually, but I didn’t expect it that day.
• Aaron’s housemate will no longer have the rent subsidy, but he can apply to HUD. The county has an emergency “bridge” rent fund until he gets one, so he will be okay.
• I am to contact the new county and make an appointment with the HUD counselor.
• If this was a normal HUD family rental situation, the new counselor would hand me a list of available HUD houses or apartments to rent, and then I would begin a selection process with potential landlords.
• Because we are part of “Disability World” we have another whole set of issues (next article).
Timelines: The sand is shifting in the hourglass
Aaron’s rent will stop on his current residence on July 31. If we still don’t have a new place for him to live, then we can petition HUD to get another 30 days extension but will need a letter from his landlord saying that is okay.
If we can’t find anything by August 1st we can ask for up to a 60 day extension from the local housing authority in the new county.
If we do not use the voucher by 120 days, then it is GONE—Poof! And we would need to apply again, if and when they open the window on new applications.
Change is possible, but not easy
So, the die is cast. The decision is made to move. And while there is relief, there is hope for a better life…I’m trying hard not dwell on my fears. I know this is a step in the right direction, but geez… I do keep getting the image of Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, looking into the hourglass with panic in her eyes.
Next article, I’ll talk about how Disability World complicates “just find a place to rent.”
Please share your thoughts. Do you have any tips for housing for people with disabilities? Have you ever just taken the leap of faith that all will work out? Am I nuts? Should I just have sucked it all up and stayed where we were? Do you ever experience a “counselor” in a government agency who is so helpful, you just want to give them a hug?
Keep Climbing: Onward and Upward,
All my best,
Other Posts You Might Find Interesting:
HUD Tips for Parents and Guardians of People with Disabilities| Part 1.
What would you do? Case of Trash vs. Treasure or Staff vs. Person with Disabilities
Drinking Beer and the Dignity of Risk
by Mary E. Ulrich | Jul 6, 2011

photo credit: shapeshift
HUD Tips for Parents and Guardians of People with Disabilities| Part 1
Housing for Urban Development ( has a “housing choice voucher program” (HCV) for people with disabilities and other low income families. They describe it as a three way partnership between HUD, the owner and the family.
Disclaimer: I am NOT an expert on HUD. I am sharing my personal experience to the best of my ability. Please check with your local office.
Over ten years ago, I learned about the HUD rent vouchers from my brother Steve, and the actual process was like trying to win a radio show contest: There was an open enrollment period on one day, call between 1:00 and 3:00 pm and the first 100 callers would get application forms. Another open enrollment period may or may not happen again.
On that particular day, I went to the County Board of Developmental Disabilities and using all five phone lines, we dialed in as fast as we could. Fortunately we “won” the chance to get an application. Because we were the first with intellectual disabilities in our area (of course) it took us a year to sort out all the details and paperwork for two non-married people to be considered a “family” with common housekeeping. Thanks to other pioneers like us, the Fair Housing Act, ADA, and other federal legislation I think this is easier now.
Supplemental Rent Subsidy
Aaron, our son with the label of autism, and his housemate only pay 1/3 of their income for rent, which is under $100 each and a rent supplement is paid directly to the landlord by HUD. It is based on the “Fair Market Rent” (FMR) and varies from city to city.
Aaron’s voucher allows him to rent in a neighborhood, not a segregated housing project. It is probably not the highest rent a landlord could get, but it offers a long term renter and a guarantee check each month. Most of the available HUD houses are in less expensive neighborhoods.
A non-profit board became our landlord. They even got a grant from the state for the $10,000 down payment for the purchase of the house. I understand there are some programs to help make the houses accessible under ADA, if it is necessary. We will be looking into that in the future.
Aaron was named the “Head of Household” which means he can take the voucher with him. It is “portable” and he could move it to another county or even state. It is my understanding, not all waivers are “portable.”
Additional Information
There is only one voucher for each house. I always thought this was a gift Aaron gave to his housemate.
Systems Change
I also am proud that our pioneer efforts have given many more people with disabilities and their families the opportunity to live in neighborhoods. My advocacy efforts at this “system change” have helped others. In our county, now most people with disabilities are either on HUD rent subsidies, or on their waiting lists.
House of Cards
I’ve written about some of our experiences and the multiple agencies being like a House of Cards 1, House of Cards 2, House of Cards 3.
I like to think of myself as a “glass half full” person, but when the agency which was providing residential support went bankrupt, I knew it was time for a fresh start to recover from the abuse and neglect we had dealt with these past ten years. More in the next article.
Remember there are no “right or wrong” answers.
Please share your thoughts. Do you have any experience with HUD? Any tips for housing for people with disabilities? Have you ever just thrown in the towel and started over?
Keep Climbing: Onward and Upward,
All my best,
by Mary E. Ulrich | Jun 28, 2011

photo credit: aslinth
This is the 3rd in a series of cases of “What would you do?”
The Case of the Shoes on the Wrong Feet
The Case of the Lourdes Holy Water
What would you do? The case of trash vs. treasure
We usually pick up Aaron, our 36 year old son with the label of autism, every Saturday night and keep him until late Sunday night. We enjoy being with Aaron and this gives the residential staff a break.
Annie, our head staff person, has worked with us for over 8 years. My husband and I always enjoy seeing her and not only sharing Aaron stories, but hearing how her life is going. We’ve developed a close relationship over the years and I count her as a friend.
We’ve been trying to get rid of some old exercise equipment Aaron no longer used, so when Annie started out the conversation with, “The junk man came…” I thought I knew where the conversation was going and was in the process of thanking her until she added,
“The junk man stopped at the house, so I gave him the boxes in the garage.”
“Which boxes are you talking about?”
I asked her if she went through the boxes first. She just said, “They were the boxes in the middle of the garage.” And seemed genuinely surprised I would be concerned.
When I reminded her we had brought some of Aaron’s things from his closet at home to store in the garage, she simply said, she forgot.
My husband tried to lighten up the conversation, but I was stunned.
And actually, a week later, still am.
Whose house is it?
My husband and I have been trying to sell our house. The realtor and home stagers suggested we take down all personal family pictures and move anything we weren’t using into storage.
Now, Aaron had lots of storage space in his garage. I certainly wouldn’t put our stuff in there, but it seemed reasonable to store boxes of Aaron’s things from his room at home.
Personal Items:
I always like to surround Aaron with pictures on the walls in his room because 1) he likes to look at them, 2) they remind him of the people who love him, 3) I want staff/visitors to know something of the people in Aaron’s life, and his personal history.
Yep, the picture collages fit just perfectly in some old boxes and suitcases. I padded them with blankets, a quilt from Aaron’s grandma, and other clothes.
Also in the boxes were Aaron’s little treasures from his life. For instance, there were some music globes that Aaron will play with from time to time and each time he took horseback riding; they gave him a horseshoe the last class. Now, prospective house buyers don’t need to see 12 horseshoes in various colors with ribbons. But, they represented happy memories and Aaron’s achievements.
Also over the years, Aaron had quite a collection of wooden puzzles. We don’t get them out very often because they aren’t age appropriate, but I thought they would make a great present to Aaron’s niece when she turns three in another year.
Also, there was a box of used encyclopedias. Aaron loves to look at these books with pictures, and it is so hard to find them, I buy them from used book stores or yard sales whenever I see them.
And, who knows what else was on the “pile of boxes in the middle of the garage?”
So, what would you do?
The boxes and old suitcases contained stuff that belonged to Aaron. Not mine, not Annie’s, not belonging to the “house.”
The boxes were long gone, the damage was done.
It’s not like they were the family jewels. I bet the Junk Man will only make a couple dollars. They were some used books, puzzles, and old horseshoes for Pete’s sake.
And, since we don’t REALLY know what was in the boxes, maybe some of these “treasures” are in the million other boxes in our other storage units. Maybe some of these things will turn up.
So, what’s the big fuss?
In the comments please share your thoughts and ask your social networks of Twitter, Facebook, etc. if they have any answers.
Remember there are no “right or wrong” answers.
Please share your thoughts. What would you say to Aaron? To Annie? To other residential staff persons? To Aaron’s case worker? To the administration of the company providing residential services? To anyone else?
What attitudes and messages does this convey for the individual with a disability, the family and/or the culture?
How do you resolve this? How many times do you forgive these mistakes?
As a parent, am I overreacting? What should I have done differently?
As a parent, how do you choose your battles for advocacy? After all, these people take care of your child every day, and Annie has been with Aaron for over 8 years.
Keep Climbing: Onward and Upward,
All my best,
Related Articles (real estate, home stagers…):
Turning it over to the Real Estate Professionals and all Professionals
Memory Rocks| Not being objective
The Host vs. The Home Stagers
The Avalanche and an Aaron story
by Mary E. Ulrich | Jun 22, 2011

photo credit: Lawrence OP
What do you do when someone wants to cure your child with Lourdes Water or the “laying on of the hands”?
True Story
“Where’s Aaron?” my mother asked while I was still putting the phone to my ear. I explained Aaron was at his house and we wouldn’t be seeing him until the weekend.
“Well, as soon as you pick him up, you need to bring him here. My friend got holy water directly from the fountain of Lourdes and she gave me a small bottle.”
I took a deep breath and knew exactly where this conversation was going. My youth was filled with The Song of Bernadette and books of Saints and miracles.
With more enthusiasm than I’ve heard from my mother in years, she said, “I’ll make the sign of the cross on his forehead and we’ll see if we can cure his autism and disabilities.”
I hesitated and didn’t say anything, but mom gushed about her friend’s trip, the history of Lourdes, photos of the shrine, and the walls of abandoned crutches each with written testimonials and pictures from the people who were miraculously cured.
My mom was eager to start her letter of Aaron’s miracle.
So, What do I say:
1. Mom means well. Her religion is important to her. She would love to be the one to “cure Aaron.”
2. This isn’t the first time this has happened. I’ve had strangers in the grocery line want to “lay hands on Aaron and cure him.”
3. I really don’t want to go down this road again.
So, what to do?
In the comments please share your thoughts.
Remember there are no “right or wrong” answers. Please share your thoughts. What would you say to my mother or another person who wanted to try and cure your child? Would you allow her to use the holy water on your child? What attitudes and messages does this convey for the individual, the family, the church, the culture?
Have you tried any miracle cures? If you don’t want a cure, what does that say?
Keep Climbing: Onward and Upward,
All my best,
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