“Representative Payee”| SSI, SSDI


“Representative Payee”

“Representative Payee”| SSI, SSDI

When Aaron, our son with autism and a developmental disability, moved into a house with another man, we became his legal guardian.

It was the only way to protect Aaron legally. It was the right thing to do.

One of the first decisions became who was in charge of finances–the individual, the residential provider, or the guardian.

The Individual

Certainly if your son or daughter is capable, that is the first choice. Remember, the individual can get support on their ISP (Individual Service Plan) to help.

The Residential Provider

If you are the parent of an adult with autism or other disability who is not able to handle their own finances, then this service can be written into the ISP (Individualized Service Plan) and handled by the agency or residential provider.

The residential provider cannot charge for this service, but it is one of the services in the Individual Option Medicaid Waiver.

For 13 years, my husband and I let the residential provider be the SSI and SSDI “representative payee” and handle his finances.

We added checks and balances:

In Aaron’s ISP, the company would send us monthly statements by email and the County Service Coordinator checked the Residential Provider’s records, so it worked great.

After all, as parents we know we won’t live forever, why not put the financial system in place while we can still make sure it works.

Checks and balances plus it was less work for us–YEA!

Guardians become “Representative Payee”

Last month we fired our residential provider. This made things tricky so I decided to become the “representative payee” myself.

Here is what I’ve learned:

How do Guardians become “Representative Payee” for SSI, SSDI?

Go to your local Social Security Office, you cannot do this online. Allow at least an hour.


Guardianship Document,
Your child’s Social Security Card
Your Social Security Card
Your valid Driver’s License with current address
The bank account number and routing number for the automatic deposit.

Sign in:

You will need to have a face to face interview.
Make sure the agent changes the information for both SSI and SSDI if that is appropriate. They are two separate systems.
You will be given a contact person for your future needs.

Additional Information

You can call 1-800-772-1213 and ask for an “agent,” in addition they have recorded information on the responsibilities and frequently asked questions about “representative payee.”


Representative Payee FAQ


Timelines are based on the first of the month
i.e. Automatic social security deposits are on the first and the third of the month.

It will take a month or so to get the deposit information transferred.

Keep Climbing: Onward and Upward

All my best,

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Hope for Families

HUD Tips for People with Disabilities and Families

A Parent’s life| Thinking, Worrying and Actions

“Retarded”: no more.

Retarded–no more.

Poster made by HS students

Sept. 22, 2010 The US House of Representatives has unanimously approved a bill to replace the term “mental retardation” and “mentally retarded” with “intellectual disability” and “individual with an intellectual disability.” The Senate previously passed this bill. President Obama signed the legislation into law.

This is a triumph for all of us, but especially for people with disabilities, their parents and families who have carried the burden of the word retarded.

Below is one of the press releases/alerts I received from the group of parents of children with disabilities and advocates Our Children Left Behind and The Autism National Committee.

Tomorrow I want to talk about the role of parents and advocates in making a difference in our world and getting legislation passed. Rosa’s bill is named after a young woman with Down syndrome, you can bet her mom was involved.

But today I just wanted to show what a great press release and call to action looks like. So no need for phone calls–the bill is passed.


What are the components of this press release that would make you want to take action? no action?

Just for transparency, I support this bill and have been a member of Aut-Com and followed Our Children Left Behind almost since they began.

Keep Climbing: Onward and Upward

All the best,


Here is some information from the advocacy group, “Our Children Left Behind.” Posted by: “[email protected]” Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:57 pm (PDT)

Hi, all! This is from Jessica Butler, long time advocate and mom of a child with a disability. Legislation has passed the US Senate (“Rosa’s Law”) that would eliminate the use of the “R” word (“retarded”) with the less loaded term of “intellectual disability.” We believe this change would help eliminate the stigma currently associated with the “R” word, and this law would cost NO money to implement.

If you agree, please make a quick call to your U.S. (federal)
representative (see instructions below), and please share – thanks!

(The Senate has passed this bill but the US House still needs to – if it’s not passed before the end of the legislative term, the process will have to start all over again from the beginning in the next term.)


As the year winds down, we’ve all talked and debated many important policy matters. You’ve heard a lot about restraint/ seclusion/aversives, and you will be hearing more about legislation regarding these dangerous techniques. We’ve all called Congress about recovering expert witness fees, Buckhannon, unlevel playing fields, and woefully inadequate educations that do little to prepare children with disabilities to succeed (much less go to college or earn a living).

But as you sip your morning coffee, tea, or Mountain Dew, I’d like to try to convince you to make one more call to Congress– a short call for human dignity. The Senate has passed Rosa’s law (S.2781), a bill to replace “mental retardation” in our federal laws with “intellectual disability.” Now, it’s time to ask your Representative to do the same.

Maybe this isn’t as big a deal as all the other kinds of legislation. But as WE know, “retarded” is used as a slur, demeaning and denigrating to 6 million adults and children in America. The stereotypes associated with the “R” word connote the slamming door of “can’t” more than the hopefulness of “can” which encourages people to teach children with intellectual disabilities to succeed. Even some of our archaic restraint/seclusion practices are premised on outdated stereotypes that children with intellectual disabilities cannot understand anything else.

Eliminating the “R word” may not cure the stereotypes, but it will help bring society closer to realizing that people with intellectual disabilities are part of all of us. Of course, it’s hard to eliminate it when our core disabilities laws use it. Nearly 1/2 million children with IEPs are categorized as “mentally retarded.”

S.2781, Rosa’s Law, would change all of this. It will replace “mental retardation” and “mentally retarded” with “intellectual disability” in our federal laws. These include the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Elementary and Secondary Education Act (the law formerly known as No Child Left Behind), Rehabilitation Act, Public Health Service Act, Health Research and Health Services Amendments and a number of other health and disability laws. S. 2781 will also update federal regulations.

Some people think this bill is silly or wasteful; many of us do not.

It’s about dignity for people with intellectual disabilities.

Rosa’s Law will not impact services, rights or educational opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities. It just replaces one phrase with another; everything else stays the same. It will not cost any money. Federal Regulations and Statute Prints will be updated on the same schedule they always are. The bill will not force states to change their own laws if they do not want to. Rosa’s Law is a bipartisan bill, it was cosponsored by Senators Mike Enzi (R-WY), Richard Burr (R-NC), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), and 40 other Senators from both parties. The Senate passed the bill last month and sent it to the House.

But now the legislative session is winding down. To make S. 2781 a
federal law, the House of Representatives must pass it. If the House does not, we start all over again next year…..from the very beginning.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR CALLING YOUR REPRESENTATIVE. Please take 5 minutes and call your Congressional Representative. Ask him/her to support S.2781. Dial 202-224-3121 (TTY 202-225-1904). Ask for the aide who handles disability or health care. If you get voicemail, please leave a detailed message. You can also find direct dial numbers on your Representative’s webpage at _http://www.house.gov_ (http://www.house.gov/) . If you do not know who your Congressional Representative is, go to _http://www.house.gov_ (http://www.house.gov/) and put your zip code into the box in the upper left corner. (You usually only need your five digit zip code, even though it asks for 9.)

It is much much better to make a call, because Congress is so busy in the final weeks that reading email will be delayed. If you cannot call due to disability or other severe constraints, please send an email but perhaps ask a friend to also make a call. Email can be sent through _http://www.house.gov/writerep_ (http://www.house.gov/writerep) .

Everyone should call your own Representative. But it’s particularly
important to call your Representative if he/she is on the House Education and Labor Committee (see _http://edlabor.house.gov/about/members/_ (http://edlabor.house.gov/about/members/) for a list of members) or House Energy and Commerce Committee ((for a list of members, go to _http://bit.ly/dfws6B_ (http://bit.ly/dfws6B) or go to _http://energycommerce.house.gov/_ (http://energycommerce.house.gov/) and click on About and then Members) or in the House leadership. Energy & Commerce handles the federal health laws, which Rosa’s bill will also update. If your Representative is on Energy & Commerce, please ask for the Energy & Commerce aide. Tell this aide this is why the Committee has the bill and ask them to support it. Both committees must approve the bill to send it on to the full House.

Perhaps Rosa’s Law is a small change, but it is one that will say a lot about our national cultural attitude toward people with intellectual disabilities. Updating our federal laws will not eliminate stereotyping or low expectations for children with intellectual disabilities, but it is a step in the right direction. It’s a way to make sure America’s laws stand up for human dignity rather than archaic terms.

More info on the web: S.2781, Rosa’s Law in full:
(http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s111-2781) .
Statement of Senator Mikulski (D-MD), Sen. Harkin (D-IA) and Sen. Enzi (R-WY) upon introducing the bill: http://mikulski.senate.gov/record.cfm?id=325272_ (http://mikulski.senate.gov/record.cfm?id=325272)

I wish you a great week. I hope you’ll join me in taking 5 minutes out to call your Congressional Representative and ask him/her to pass S.2781, Rosa’s Law. It’s a simple bill and an easy call to make. You have all you need above. If you agree with me, make a call and send this message on to 5 friends (or 20 or 50).

It’s a step for Human Dignity.


Jessica Butler
Congressional Affairs Coordinator
Autism National Committee (_www.autcom.org_ (http://www.autcom.org/) )
Former Chair, COPAA Board of Directors (2007-08)
[email protected]_ (mailto:[email protected])
permission to forward is freely granted.

Sandy, Illinois ([email protected])
Our Children Left Behind (http://www.ourchildrenleftbehind.com)
(volunteers protecting special needs students through legislative and policy advocacy-join us!)
For other OCLB sites and our archives, check out:
ezBoard (archives) – http://p078.ezboard.com/bourchildrenleftbehind
blog – http://oclb.blogspot.com/
MySpace – http://www.myspace.com/oclb_team
Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/OCLB

Happy Birthday ADA| 22 Years of Progress

Signing of ADA


Happy Birthday ADA

Representative Tony Coelho shares the reasons he introduced The Americans With Disabilities Act in Congress in the late 80s. Tony Coelho also is a strong supporter of Partners in Policymaking.

Tony Coelho had epilepsy and used his life experiences to make a difference for thousands of people with disabilities and their families, not only in the present, but in the future.

What Can I Do?

When I get discouraged and can’t solve basic day to day problems for Aaron, my son with autism, I try to look at the big picture.

ADA is only 22 years old. Think about it.

The US Constitution is over 200 years old and we still have lots of issues to resolve. 22 years is just infancy in the lifespan of the ADA civil rights legislation. So we have made progress, but there is still lots to do.

After my recent surgery I went to our local community center and joined the seniors swim hour. I was shocked to see that there was no railing going down into the pool. Since I was wobbly and certainly didn’t want to fall again, I needed a railing.

I watched the other seniors (many of whom were also wobbly) hold on a low wall and scoot as best they could to enter the water. I saw one gentleman almost fall.

Now, this was my first day in the community center. I went there to try and get healthy. Meet some new friends; distance myself from “disability world.”

I noticed the pool had a lift for people who needed it. The pool also had a large zero grade entrance where a person could just walk into the water without any steps. This insured no steps, but didn’t solve the problem for someone who needed a railing. They did have a three step entrance on the other side of the pool that had a railing.

Technically, this pool met ADA requirements.

But all the seniors using the pool climbed down off this low wall and were in danger of falling.

When I asked the head life guard about it, she just shook her head and said, “I agree it is a problem, but no one listens to me.” She suggested I could take my walker into the pool if I wanted, or she could hold my arm and assist me.

I looked at my walker and it was aluminum, but it had holes where you could adjust for height and the water would surely get in there. I could just picture my walker dripping water all through my house—so the walker in water solution wasn’t going to work.

I already felt self-conscious enough, new kid and all, so I really didn’t want a life-guard escorting me into the water.

We solved the problem by having one of the other seniors get into the pool and helping me with that first step. Then I was fine.

Fine, except I now had an 80 year old woman who weighed 100 pounds wet, helping me get into the pool. If either one of us had fallen, I would have squashed her like a waterbug. To say nothing to what this did to my self-esteem and confidence.

As I joined the flow of seniors exercising in the water current, I tried to ignore the whole thing and kept telling myself: “Boundaries Mary!” “Choose your battles.” “Can’t you be normal for once?”

I wanted to be “included” I wanted to belong. I didn’t want to start off causing trouble.

I almost had myself convinced until I had to get out of the pool–Then my advocacy voice started again.

I followed the other seniors out of the water as we all tried to maneuver the low wall and the big step.

And, then you know what happened. I pulled the ADA trump card.

ADA makes a Difference, but only if you use it.

I ask to see the ADA Compliance Officer to file a complaint. The Community Center Director immediately met with me and gave me an official form.

She sincerely said she didn’t know this was an issue and thought the pool met all the requirements. She said she would look into the issues I raised.

I asked if there was an alternative to filing an official complaint. She said they had a form for suggestions and concerns, so I gave her back the ADA complaint form and wrote a long description of the problem.

I figured, as long as I solved the problem, this saved her a lot of paperwork and bought me goodwill.

The Director took the issues seriously. She asked me, “What do you think will solve the problem?”

I suggested she talk with other seniors, the Life Guards, the OT and PT department which uses the pool for their clients (me included). I suggested she watch the arrival and departure of the seniors (basically an ecological assessment). I also suggested she look into the concept of Universal Design.

Good News

The Director did her job and I didn’t need to use ADA.

Wait, let me reword that. I used ADA (even if it was just the threat of a compliance violation and paperwork headache.)

The new accessible pool entrance designed by the lifeguards and PT department will be installed in August. Already they have put no-slip mats in the changing areas and installed automatic doors. I feel really good about this. My advocacy worked and made a difference.


When I got the Fall Community Center flyer, I noticed they have a new program to “include” kids in their day programs and camps. I had nothing to do with this, but someone did. Some advocate spoke up… now current and future children will have more opportunities for inclusion.

I’m reminded of the old UP WITH PEOPLE song: “Freedom isn’t Free.” You have to pay a price, you have to sacrifice for your liberty.

Can you make a difference, too?

As we celebrate the anniversary of ADA. We are standing on the shoulders of those who came before us. Thank you, Tony Coelho. Thank you Justin Dart, Bob Williams and Ed Roberts and the thousands of others who worked so hard to give us a chance at a better life and future.

There are many people who don’t think we need government laws. When ADA passed in 1990, I was only worried about my son Aaron. But today, I am the one using the walker and needing accommodations. Now, I also need ADA.

What can you do?

In the comments can you share your ideas? Is there some way you can make life more accessible either as a professional or as an advocate? Anything that has worked? Not worked?

Keep Climbing:
All my best,


Related Posts

Happy 20th Birthday ADA

The Yet-to-Be Disabled

“Telling Your Story”| Free App for Advocates

Partners in Policymaking Class of 2012

The Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (MN DD Council) does remarkable work. On this blog, I often reference the Parallels in Time (history of people with disabilities) and their Partners in Policymaking Program.

This week MNDDC announced a new FREE app called “Telling Your Story.” Already it has being downloaded around the globe.

EVERYONE has a story.

EVERYONE wants to solve their problems.

EVERYONE wants to be heard.

BUT, SOME People need extra support, skills and confidence to tell others what they want and need.

“Telling Your Story” is for Everyone

Everyone knows personal stories are the most powerful way to influence policymakers and legistlaters. Stories make the rules, regulations and policies become real.

The new “Telling Your Story” app for IPads is an organizational tool to make it easier to tell those stories.

It was created to help adults with disabilities be an active part of the democratic process and find their voice, their confidence and then–their Policymaker.

The “Telling Your Story” App is easy to use and is written for self-advocates–but mom, dad, brothers, sisters, grandparents and allies can use the same template.

The simple format helps advocates compose and practice the personal story they’ll present to elected public officials or other policymakers at all levels of government.

Some of the self-advocates learned to use this app in the Partners in Policymaking Program.

The app guides users through the steps:

–introducing yourself

–identifying the specific issue

–presenting a compelling personal story in text

–creating an audio recording to practice and rehearse their story

–selecting a photo they may wish to include

Budget Cuts| It’s Personal

Here is an example of one self-advocate’s compelling story using the new app. She is explaining how a recent budget cut affects her life and will cost the state more in the long run.

This is MY STORY:

My name is Thea Graham. I live in your district. I have been waiting all year to come to the Capitol to meet with you. I want to tell you a little about myself.

Currently, I live with my mother. She is very good to me and I love her a lot. I do know that I will not always be able to live with my mom. We have been looking at different residential support options to see what would be the best match.

I know when I move out, I will need staff to support me in using my “wise mind” since I can get upset. Staff will also need to help me with making sure that I look nice since this is very important to me. They will also need to help me drive to the doctor and help me understand what the doctor is saying about my health needs. My mom does all of this for me now.

I receive services at Merrick, Inc., a day program in Vadnais Heights. It is here that I have learned to use my “wise mind” more and more. Before I would swear, yell, and hit people when I got mad—now I use my “wise mind”. This means that I “stop, calm down, think, and come up with another solution that will help resolve the situation”. I do the following jobs at Merrick: pick up plastic recycling at the Maplewood Mall, package medical supplies, take Styrofoam from Culligen caps, and shred pull tabs. I love to make money and work like everyone else does. My job coach Kathy and “Christian” support at my job and they tell me I am doing a good job not only with jobs but how I handle things that come my way. Another thing that I like about Merrick is that I have learned to speak up for myself—doing so assertively not aggressively. Above is a picture of me running for office at a Wednesday morning self-advocacy group meeting. One of my role models is Rosa Parks and the difference she made on the lives of others. On Martin Luther King Day, I have been Rosa Parks showing her role in the bus boycott play. It makes me feel proud to be “Rosa Parks”.

I feel that I have come a long way since coming to Merrick over 13 years ago. However, my CSSA funding for Merrick was significantly cut as of January 1st.

Instead of receiving services for 5 days per week, I only have funding for 2 days. This is a huge burden on my elderly mother who now is taking care of me the 3 days I am not able to attend Merrick, Inc. My mother is not in good health and I am worried about her.

If I am sitting at home alone, I am not making money. I am not at my job where I am relied on to do my work. I am not continuing to build on my skills to cope with being frustrated and angry.

Please hear my story and know that I can’t sit at home. If I end up in crisis, it would cost the state a whole lot more than it would be maintaining my day program services. It is the proactive thing to do—it is the right thing to do.

Download Free App for IPad Here

Click Here for free “Telling Your Story” App. for IPad 2 or newer

Click Here for more information on the “Partners in Policymaking” Homepage.


How can Professionals Use this App?

Many children and adults with disabilities and their families are going to need technical and emotional support for using this app.

Some will not have an IPad available. Some will need coaching or help in transcribing their words onto paper. Some will need encouragement to overcome fears and answer questions.

Transition and High School Teachers:

There could be all kinds of uses for this app. especially in a Problems of Democracy class or in any advocacy or problem solving situation. I would think the format could be adapted for completing many general education projects and assignments. This could also be part of Transition or Speech Language Communication session (social stories?). Learning to use this technology and format would make an excellent IEP/ITP goal.

University Professors:

University students in Introductory to Special Education or Geriatrics, Disability Studies, social work, legal or medical professions could use this app to interview and help support a person who struggles in Making Your Case and get their thoughts organized. This app could create cooperative learning and inclusion opportunities.

This would also be a great project for a Special Olympics Buddies, SCEC or Service Learning.

There could be research potential for all majors. Does this app empower and support vulnerable people? Does this make a difference?….

Self-Advocacy Groups:

This is a gold-mine for empowerment, self-determination, voting, citizenship and lessons on democracy. Veterans and senior citizen groups might also be interested in grants or projects for their own members.

Direct Care Workers:

I can see this being used at places of employment and leisure/recreation to help people tell their wants, needs, likes and dislikes and get a better quality of life.

What do you think?

Will this app “Telling Your Story” help children and adults with disabilities tell their own stories? Would this app make it easier for someone you care about? Do you think it is important that policymakers like school board members, county, state and national legislators hear from the people in their own voices? Tell me, will you download this app and use it?

Keep Climbing: Onward and Upward

All my best,


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Partners in Policymaking| 25 Years in Making the Government Work

Autism| A lot more needed than awareness

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